It’s with considerable regret that we announce the
cancellation of Benny Wenda’s visit to our city. Immediately below is the official
statement from WPA~C Convenor Brian Turner and below that the cancellation
notice for the campus event by host Richard Manning.
On the good news front Papuan rights have been highlighted in UN review of Indonesia
West Papua Action ~ Canterbury
Kia Ora Koutou
I regret to inform that Benny Wenda, spokesperson for the United Liberation Movement of West Papua, has had to cut short his NZ visit and as a consequence will not be coming to Christchurch this Friday and Saturday (May 12-13) or fulfilling appointments in Australia following NZ.
The reason is a long-awaited opportunity for the Liberation Movement to gain greater international exposure, and Benny Wenda needs to front the movement’s invitation to attend a crucial meeting to that end.
Whilst deeply disappointing for the growing West Papua Action movement in Canterbury, we appreciate that the wider interests of West Papua need to take precedence over local awareness building.
Hopefully this disappointment will strengthen not lessen our commitment to the cause of West Papua liberation.
In particular, we want to acknowledge the excellent organization of the University of Canterbury and Ngai Tahu in their planned welcome and public meeting with Benny Wenda at the University, and the willingness of Christchurch City Councillor Raf Manji and University Aotahi lecturer Garrick Cooper to help lead the planned meeting at WEA.
These meetings are now cancelled but the momentum to keep building awareness of and support for West Papua continues.
Brian Turner
on behalf of West Papua Action Canterbury
University of Canterbury cancellation statement
We regret to inform that Benny Wenda, spokesperson for the United Liberation Movement of West Papua, has had to cut short his NZ visit and, as a consequence, will not be coming to Christchurch this Friday and Saturday.
The reason is a long awaited opportunity for the Liberation Movement to gain greater international recognition and Benny Wenda needs to attend a high level meeting to that end.
Whilst we are disappointed at this cancellation, we do appreciate that the wider interests of the people of West Papua must take precedence at this significant moment in West Papua’s history. Interested staff and students at the University of Canterbury wish Benny and his team all the best for this upcoming meeting.
Ngā mihi
Dr. Richard Manning
Treaty of Waitangi Education Programme Coordinator& Senior Lecturer: Social Sciences CurriculumUniversity of Canterbury College of Education