
Public Seminar

'Pacific Reset:

West Papua's Self Determination'

Tuesday March 26th

 5pm for
 5:30 - 7pm

Rehua Building (off Forestry Road)
Level 2, Room 226 Moana
University of Canterbury
map below

Parking is free after 5pm

Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has called for a “Re-set” to help our Pacific family to be independent and self-sufficient (29 June 2017).

This special forum, with a number of special guests, will consider the repercussions of this call for Indonesian-controlled West Papua.

Papuans are being forced off their fertile lands and forests which are being mined, logged and turned into massive palm oil plantations. NZ Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has called for a “Pacific-Reset” to enable Pacific countries to set their own direction and achieve self-determination.

Join Dr Jeremy Moses, Senior lecturer in international relations at the University of Canterbury, and our special guests, for a topical discussion of how a Pacific “Re-set” can help our Pacific family to be independent and self-sufficient in the context of a slow motion-genocide in West Papua.

We highly encourage audience participation during our Q and A session, especially from students, so please visit the United Nations Association education portal for overview of key issues facing West Papua.

Poto Williams, is MP for Christchurch East, of Pacific heritage and Parliamentary Advocate for the Independent free vote for indigenous West Papuans.
Raf Manji, is a Christchurch City Councillor, who studied the legal case for West Papuan Self-Determination as part of his Masters in International Law and Politics.
Celeste Donovan is a member of West Papua Action Canterbury who wrote her MA thesis on NZ’s training of Indonesians for community policing in West Papua.

This event is jointly hosted by